The North Oaks family seeks, serves, and shares with everyone that we meet.

"Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you."  Matthew 28:19-20

Special Message from Jonathan Williams 


FATHER's Day at North Oaks --JUNE 18TH     

Calling All Dads! 

We’d love for you to join us for Father’s Day to celebrate Fathers and Father Figures. 

Farrell Gean will share a message entitled,

“Our Father’s Business,” that we know will be inspiring. 

Please be our honored guests!

Coffee and donuts on the patio at 9:30. 

The worship assembly starts at 10:00.

Happy Father’s Day, and see you Sunday!

Our address is 27570 Whites Canyon Road, Canyon Country, CA 91351

Call us with any questions (661) 252-2298. 

See you soon!

Worship in-Person or Online

SUNDAY SERVICE: 10 am Worship Assembly 

(9:30 Coffee + Donuts)

LIVE STREAM: Join from the platform of your choice.

Streaming starts at 9:50 every Sunday.

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Communion kits available at church office WED-FRI 9-5; SAT 9-Noon

may 7, 2023 "call on the name of the Lord"

View other Sunday Assemblies at /sermons/recent-sermons